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Sorry. * * @returns {String} */ getTabCode() { let parent = this.getParent(); while (!(parent instanceof Tab)) { parent = parent.getParent(); if (null === parent) { return null; } } return parent.code; }, /** * Renders the container template. */ render() { if (!this.isVisible()) { this.$el.empty(); return; } this.getTemplateContext().then(function (templateContext) { this.$el.html(this.containerTemplate(templateContext)); this.$('.field-input').replaceWith(this.renderInput(templateContext)); this.postRender(templateContext); this.renderExtensions(); this.delegateEvents(); }.bind(this)); return this; }, /** * Returns the context params that will be passed to templates. * * @returns {Promise} */ getTemplateContext() { const templateParams = this.config.templateParams || {}; return $.Deferred() .resolve(Object.assign( {}, { fieldLabel: this.getLabel(), requiredLabel: this.getRequiredLabel(), fieldName: this.fieldName, fieldId: this.getFieldId(), errors: this.errors, warnings: this.warnings, readOnly: this.isReadOnly(), required: this.config.required || false, __: __ }, templateParams )) .promise(); }, /** * Renders the input inside the field container. */ renderInput() { throw new Error('Please implement the renderInput() method in your concrete field class.'); }, /** * Called after rendering the input. */ postRender() {}, /** * @returns {string} */ getLabel() { return undefined === this.config.label ? '[' + this.fieldName + ']' : __(this.config.label); }, /** * @returns {string} */ getRequiredLabel() { return undefined === this.config.requiredLabel ? __('pim_common.required_label') : __(this.config.requiredLabel); }, /** * Should the field be displayed? * * @returns {Boolean} */ isVisible() { return true; }, /** * Should the field be in readonly mode? * * @returns {Boolean} */ isReadOnly() { return this.readOnly; }, /** * Sets the param readOnly of the field * * @param {Boolean} readOnly */ setReadOnly(readOnly) { this.readOnly = Boolean(readOnly); }, /** * Receives the new value and updates the data model with it. * * @param {*} value */ updateModel(value) { const data = this.getFormData(); propertyAccessor.updateProperty(data, this.fieldName, value); this.setData(data); }, /** * Reads and returns the field value from the model. * * @returns {*} */ getModelValue() { const value = propertyAccessor.accessProperty( this.getFormData(), this.fieldName ); return null === value ? undefined : value; }, /** * Returns a pseudo-unique code used as reference inside templates (as "for" attributes values for example). * * @returns {String} */ getFieldId() { return Math.random().toString(10).substring(2); } }); }); |